Recently Completed Projects

FedEx Field
FedEx Field 2007 Improvements – Including renovations of the gate entrances, selected concession areas, the Bud Light Pavilion, and various on going service related items. Specified Electrical Services is currently the game day “On Call” electrical service provider for emergency calls and set up as well as other electrical projects.

USDA George Washington Carver Center - Beltsville, MD
The addition of a 650KW generator and a 450kva UPS system, which will provide redundant backup power for their Nation Wide Data Center.

Washington Harbor - Northwest, Washington DC
Emergency Life Safety System repairs due to the March 2011 flood. Requiring at times around-the-clock crews to bring the system back on line.

American University SIS Building - Northwest Washington, DC
Building automation controls for HVAC equipment including two (2) air handling units, 223 dual duct VAV, plus many local temperature control stats.

Brandon Shores AQCS - Glen Burnie, MD
Installation of the fire alarm system throughout the 14-building complex within a 6-month window. All work was to be installed exposed and in IMC conduit. All buildings were networked and then integrated to the plant’s Central Control Room.

NIH Building 49A Capture Lab - Bethesda, MD

NIH Building 10 Film Library - Bethesda, MD
Renovation of 3,500 square feet of empty storage area into a state of the art library to house delicate film archives.